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Buy a Loose Group Lesson

You can purchase your loose group lesson here. This applies to all group lessons that are offered on the weekly schedule.

€ 17.00


Buy a Loose Private Lesson

You can purchase your loose private lesson here. Private lessons are scheduled 1:1 with the instructor after booking.

€ 75.00


Buy a Reiki Treatment

You can purchase your reiki treatment here. The treatment is planned 1:1 with the reiki master after your booking.

€ 75.00


Hip Mobility Workshop

In this workshop, discover a series of asanas and unique strengthening moves designed to help you “open” your hips by loosening tight muscles and building strength.

Learning how to mindfully relax while maintaining muscle engagement, allows the hips more easily open. It’s through this balanced action the body will return to its unique blueprint making our life on and off the mat feel better.

We will practice a series of asanas through which we will learn:
* How to align the hips preserving a neutral and relaxed lower back.
* How to create strength, improving flexibility and achieve mobility through external and internal rotation
* How to balance effort (muscle engagement) and ease (focused relaxation)

This workshop is suitable for all levels, including complete beginners.

Hope to see you there!

€ 50.00

09:30 - 11:30


Fundamentals of Forward Bends

This workshop focuses on the forward bending asanas which are commonly found in the group lessons. The asanas that we will explore, are part of a foundational asana practice, and are accessible to all levels.

We will learn and explore;

* anatomy of a forward bend, activated muscle groups, including a good understanding of stretching and contracting muscles
* how to stretch without strain
* how to integrate breath, bandha (body locks) and drishti (gazing point) to invite awareness into the series of asanas

€ 50.00

09:30 - 11:30


Strength Drills for Yoga Workshop

In this 1,5 hour workshop we will specifically focus on how to gradually build up strength at shoulders, core and legs for a sustaining yoga practice.

From a practical point of view, integrating 5 to 10 minute yoga strength training to a daily routine results in great development in strength and progress in overall body engagement.

Our main focus will be;
- Selected asanas which require strength & coordination and engagement
- Strength drills for integrate into your yoga practice

This workshop is suitable for all levels of practicioners.

€ 50.00

10:30 - 12:00


108 Suryanamaskars: A Moving Meditation

Welcome to the very special session of 108 Suryanamaskars!

This is a meditative yet physically and mentally challenging practice, during which we will practice 108 times Suryanamaskar. Especially for our beginner participants, we have the option to practice half or quarter series; 54 and 27 suryanamaskars respectively.

This is a tapasic practice, and the number 108 is sacred and significant in many ways, appearing in many disciplines from astronomy to yoga.

It is believed that the fire (internal heat) that you build during this practice is cleansing and detoxifying. Practicing 108 sun salutations requires a strong will and a single-pointed mind on moving with the breath. Once you get into your flow, mental distraction decreases as the awareness turns inwards. This is why it is often called a moving meditation.

Chanting and counting of this session is guided by Deniz, and this session is available for all levels of practitioners who knows how to practice Suryanamaskar.

Recommendation for our beginner practitioners; either practice half series (54 suryanamsakars) or quarter series (27 suryanamaskars).

€ 50.00

09:30 - 11:30


Forward Bends and Twists

Step into a special yoga workshop focused on forward bends and twists. During this workshop, we will explore asanas such as Kurmasana, Uttiha Arch Padma Janu Sirsansana, Gomukhasana, Marchyasana and Matsyendrasana; by focusing on learning stretching and twisting gently.

The selected asana's will help you to become more flexible, stronger and feel more grounded in your practice. We will pay attention to how you breathe and how your body feels in each asana.

You'll be guided by Aleksandra, making sure you are safe and comfortable. You will also perhaps discover interesting fats about your body which makes practice even more enjoyable.

Come join us for a fun and rewarding experience. You will leave feeling refreshed, energised and proud of what you have achieved on the mat!

€ 50.00

13:00 - 15:00


Balances Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey with our "Balances Workshop," whether you're a novice seeking stability or an experienced yogi aiming to refine your practice, this workshop offers a holistic approach to implementing balances in all groups of positions.

Guided by Aleksandra, you will see how balances can be integrated even while working on hip opening (Anantasana), forward bends (Utthita Paschimottanasana), and backward bends (Salabhasana in Marjari asana). And, of course, we will practice advanced leg and arm balances, like Padangushtasana, Kagasana, and Natarajasana.

Elevate your yoga journey, embrace the challenge, and find serenity in the equilibrium of mind, body, and spirit.

€ 50.00

10:00 - 12:00


Lifting up to Headstand

We realise that headstands can be scary and many are not visiting this pose because of fear or lack of instruction. Headstand can be practiced safely but is a very individual pose that needs much explanation and exploration before you can have fun with it.

Come and learn how to stand on your head correctly, safely, and without injury through detailed and guided instruction provided by Deniz.

In this workshop, will break down the the posture as well as try out some variations using yoga props and help of the wall; as well as giving options to add some variations into your practice.

We will practice a series of asanas through which we will learn:
* Drills and preparatory postures to build the strength, stability and flexibility necessary
* How to strengthen and prepare core and shoulders leading up to headstand
* How to engage with your bandhas and learn to align your centre of gravity
* How to balance effort (muscle engagement) and ease (focused relaxation)

This workshop is suitable for complete beginners, as well as for people who want to enhance their practice and dive deeper. If you are new to yoga this is a great way to learn the foundations for inversions in a safe and supportive environment.

Hope to see you there!

€ 50.00

10:00 - 12:00


Fundamentals of Back Bends

This workshop focuses on the backbending asanas commonly found in the group lessons. The asanas that we will explore, are part of a foundational yoga practice, and are accessible to all levels.

We will learn and explore;

* the link between backbending and our nervous system; how does bending backwards stimulate the physical and psychological body
* anatomy of a backbend, activated muscle groups, including a good understanding of stretching and contracting muscles
* how to stretch
* how to integrate breath, bandha (body locks) and drishti (gazing point) to invite awareness into the series of asanas

You will be guided through each step by Deniz, making sure you are feeling safe and comfortable.
Come join us for a fun and rewarding experience!

€ 50.00

10:00 - 12:00


Mudras and Chakras: Asana Workshop

Welcome to this special workshop where we explore the profound gestures of the body to deepen our practice and activate chakras.

Throughout this session we will explore Manduki Mudra, Maha Mudra, Tadagi Mudra, Sanmukhi Mudra, Viparita Karani Mudra and Shambhavi Mudra; each offering unique pathways to inner balance, vitality and spiritual awakening.

Via gentle yet powerful movements, pranayama and meditation, we will discover how these mudras can harmonise the body, mind, spirit as well as unlocking deeper states of consciousness and vitality. This workshop offers a transformative journey to explore the subtle energies within and cultivate a sense of peace, strength and connection.

€ 50.00

13:00 - 15:00


Hip Opening Workshop

Hip opening asanas offer a lot of physical and mental benefits. Physically these asanas enhance flexibility and range of motion in the hips, alleviating tension and improving posture. They target the often-neglected muscles surrounding the hip joint, promoting strength and stability. By stimulating blood flow to the pelvic region, these poses may aid in reducing discomfort in tight muscles. Emotionally, opening the hips can release stored emotions and stress, fostering a sense of emotional wellbeing.

During this 2 hour workshop, we will also focus on the following asanas, combination of these give the opportunity to work the thigh muscles and tendons in three planes.
- Bhunamanasana (side splits)
- Hanumanasana (forward splits)
- Bhujaneasana (cobra) and its variations
- Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Aleksandra will hold the space for this workshop. Asanas will be offered for different levels, from basic to advanced which makes the workshop suitable for all levels.

€ 50.00

13-01-2024 - 13-01-2024
13:00 - 15:00


Kriyas, Bandhas and Pranayama

Pranayama is the science of quieting the mind and nervous system through various breathing practices. Kriyas are cleansing practices for the physical and mental body. Bandha's are body locks that locks the vital energy (prune) in the body.

The yogic texts say that stress and all the associated problems with stress stem from the speed of the mind. When the mind is speeding along, stress accumulates, and our breathing gets faster as well. By controlling the prank, we control the speed of the mind.

This workshop consists of 3 parts:
- We will start the workshop with introducing principal kriyas, these are cleansing practices.
- Then we will introduce the 3 bandhas (body locks), namely mulabandha, uddiyanabandha and jalahandarabandha. We will also practice these bandhas before using them in pranayama techniques.
- We will finish the workshop with beginner and intermediate level pranayama practices. Some pranayama includes breath retention, which is optional if desired to be skipped.

This workshop is suitable for everybody and all levels of practitioners.

€ 50.00

27-01-2024 - 27-01-2024
10:00 - 12:00


Introduction to Arm Balance

Introduction to arm balance workshop is for those beginning their arm balance journey, or those who would like to refine their current abilities to find more confidence and reliability on their hands or arms.

Being able to find success in an arm balance is a combination of technique, skill and applying strength in a specific way. Come and learn how to stand on your arms and hands correctly, safely, and without injury through detailed and guided instruction.

In this workshop, we will look into 3 poses: Sirsasana (headstand), Bakasana (crow) and Bhujapidasana (shoulder pressing pose) and we will break down the the postures as well as try out some variations using yoga props and help of the wall; as well as giving options to add some variations into your practice. We will learn:
* Drills and preparatory postures to build the strength, stability and flexibility necessary
* How to strengthen and prepare core and shoulders
* How to engage with your bandhas and learn to align your centre of gravity
* How to balance effort (muscle engagement) and ease (focused relaxation)

€ 50.00

18-11-2023 - 18-11-2023
10:00 - 12:00


Suryanamaskar of Yoga

Suryanamaskar is the sanskrit name for a specific sequence of twelve yoga asanas, otherwise known as a Sun Salutation. It is one of the most widely known yoga practices, incorporated into several different traditions such as Hatha, Vinyasa and Ashtanga. The term is derived from two Sanskrit roots; surya, meaning "sun" and namaskar meaning "greetings" or ‘salutations’".

In this workshop we are going to learn;

* Traditional variations of the suryanamaskar as taught by different schools of yoga
* A detailed description of every variant, with an emphasis on correct form, breath and technique; with specific focus on adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog), urdhva mukha svanasana (upward facing dog) and chaturanga dandasana (four limbed staff)
* Breakdown of all the asanas of the suryanamaskar and show modifications
* Bandha (body lock) engagement and correct drishti (gazing point)

€ 50.00

10:00 - 12:00


Spine Mobility Yoga Flow

This is a 2 hour yin & slow flow session with a focus on spine mobility; touching on the neck, shoulders, upper - middle - lower back, chest and pelvic areas.
Accessible for all levels, including complete beginners.

€ 30.00

10-12-2022 - 10-12-2022
10:00 - 12:00


Chakra Awakening Workshop

In our bodies there are seven chakras, or energy centres, that are responsible for the proper functioning of the body, mind and soul. When any one of them is low on energy, the system unbalances and the associated part of the body gets discomfort (so will the mind, so will the soul - heart & emotions). To keep each of them in an energised and healthy condition, meditation, pranayama and an asana practice for each chakra is discussed and practiced.

This workshop is a powerful way to awaken the energy centres by unique, profound and dynamic practices of meditation, pranayama and asana practice combined. (Re)energising the chakras to free up the mind, emotions and physical body for energy to flow like a fluid throughout.


An open mind
No food intake at least 2 hours prior to the session
Minimum or no jewellery

Date, Schedule and Location

The workshop location is Own Balance Yoga Studio, Luxemburglaan 119 Eindhoven.
Workshop consists of 7 sessions of 75 minutes each, each session/day dedicated to one chakra (energy centre).

Weekdays between 18:00 - 20:00
Saturday and Sunday between 08:00 - 10:00

€ 180.00

13-02-2023 - 13-02-2023
18:00 - 20:00
14-02-2023 - 14-02-2023
18:00 - 20:00
15-02-2023 - 15-02-2023
18:00 - 20:00
16-02-2023 - 16-02-2023
18:00 - 20:00
17-02-2023 - 17-02-2023
18:00 - 20:00
18-02-2023 - 18-02-2023
08:00 - 10:00
19-02-2023 - 19-02-2023
08:00 - 10:00


Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

With this workshop, you can learn the fundamentals of the Ashtanga yoga practice in a slow, safe and comprehensive manner.

This workshop is geared towards vinyasa practicioners who want to gain an understanding of Ashtanga Yoga and wish to begin practicing in the traditional format called Mysore style. It is also ideal for those who have practiced some Ashtanga but have either fallen out or have yet to establish a daily practice. You will be guided in a relaxed intimate setting allowing for individual attention. Workshop consists of 3 days of learning and practice moments + 2 led classes (both on Sundays).

Schedule for Day 1: 6th March 2023
- Foundational discussion on yoga, covering the importance of prana (breath), drishti (gazing point), bandhas and learning and practicing ujayi breathing technique.
- Focus on standing asanas; break them down to their components and learn about correct alignment and weight distribution.
- Practice of primary series standing asanas (postures) and closing sequence

Schedule for Day 2: 11th March 2023
- Begin with guided meditation followed by pranayama (breathing) practice
- Focus on first half of sitting asanas; break them down to their components and learn about correct alignment and weight distribution
- Practice of first half sitting asanas (postures) and closing sequence

Schedule for Day 3: 12th March 2023
- Led Half Primary

Schedule for Day 4: 18th March 2023
- Begin with guided meditation followed by pranayama (breathing) practice
- Focus on second half of sitting asanas; break them down to their components and learn about correct alignment and weight distribution
- Practice of second half sitting asanas (postures) and closing sequence

Schedule for Day 3: 19th March 2023
- Led Primary

Class size is limited to 6 people.

€ 180.00

06-03-2023 - 06-03-2023
18:00 - 20:00
11-03-2023 - 11-03-2023
08:00 - 10:00
12-03-2023 - 12-03-2023
08:00 - 09:30
18-03-2023 - 18-03-2023
08:00 - 10:00
19-03-2023 - 19-03-2023
08:00 - 10:00


Balance in Yoga

This workshop is focused on understanding key elements of balancing body in yoga and how consciously distributing weight plays a role when it comes to balancing on assymetry. We discover a series of balancing asanas and unique strengthening moves designed to help you build strength on your core, arms and legs.

We will practice a series of asanas through which we will learn:
* How to align body's centre of gravity using core engagement
* Importance of gaze point in all balance poses
* How to engage with flexibility and strength, mostly from different areas of body
* How to consciously balance effort (muscle engagement) and ease (focused relaxation) on asymmetric asanas

Our focus will be divided between standing balancing (most asanas) and hand balancing (a few asanas).

This workshop is suitable for all levels, including beginning level; and offered both at the yoga studio and live on zoom.

Hope to see you there!

€ 20.00

18-12-2021 - 18-12-2021
13:00 - 15:00


Event registration form

Please fill in the form below to register for an event.

  • DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • Please select the workshop you would like to purchase:
  • € 0.00

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Got any questions? Feel free to call us, mail us or leave a message. We will make sure to get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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