
Creating a membership at Own Balance

You can create a membership which enables our discounted prices for you. Membership discount applies to all yoga lessons and pranayama sessions. Workshops are free for studio members.

If you like to learn more about and/or buy membership packages, please get in contact via contact option on the top menu bar, call or visit the studio.

You can also book loose sessions at Own Balance by clicking on the Buy Workshop & Lesson option on the top menu bar.

Get in contact

Unlimited Yoga

Unlimited yoga and& pranayama group lessons and unlimited workshops
€ 120 - per month

4 classes in a month

4 yoga or/ pranayama group lessons per month, unlimited workshops
€ 60 - per month

Personal Yoga

4 PT's per month + unlimited yoga & pranayama group lessons and unlimited workshops
€ 250 - per month

Trial Lesson

Your first yoga or pranayama group lesson is free of charge!

Loose Personal Yoga

Book 1 personal yoga lesson without membership
€ 75 - per lesson

Loose Lesson

Book 1 yoga/pranayama group lesson without membership
€ 20 - per lesson

Reiki Package

3 Reiki Treatments of 60 minutes each, valid for 6 months
€ 210

Reiki Treatment

1 Reiki Treatment of 60 minutes
€ 75 - per treatment

Reiki Bookings

Please send an email to for scheduling your Reiki treatment.
Our reiki staff is different from yoga staff therefore we will directly get you in contact with them.

Get in contact with me

Got any questions? Feel free to call us, mail us or leave a message. We will make sure to get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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